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Executive Excellence, Streamlined.

Interim Executive

Welcome to an era in project management where your projects and people thrive. At PM Partnership, our interim executive specialists are experienced in in prioritizing & executing your project portfolio with ease.

Grants to Subsidize Services

In certain states, your business may be eligible for grants to subsidize our services.

The Case for Interim Executive

Achieve Project Success with Strategic Leadership.

Feel overwhelmed with numerous projects and limited resources? We combine Contracting, Training, and Content to set up your Project Management Office (PMO) for smooth prioritization and execution.

Strategic Alignment for Impactful Projects

Our interim executive approach aligns senior leadership with the top 5 or 10 most impactful projects, balancing the supply and demand of people and projects, and delivering meaningful results.

Consistent Excellence
Across Projects

Achieve consistency across your projects with our mentorship & training programs. We establish standards to ensure uniformity in look, feel, and measurement for daily/weekly project traction.

Efficient Transformation with Quick Projectization

Gain control over key initiatives and drive transformative results through our rapid projectization approach, providing a strategic shortcut to achieving your transformation goals.

Flexibility in
Package Options

Your quote is a straightforward 90, 180, 270, or 360-day package monthly retainer based on your chosen time commitment  (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or full-time share) allowing you to adjust anytime with ease.

Rapid Onboarding
and Execution

Avoid the lengthy timelines of executive searches with our quick onboarding process. We can organize your project portfolio and start executing the top 3 projects within the typical 3-6 month hiring period.

Comprehensive PMO
Toolkit Deployment

Leverage our complete PMO toolkit to ensure near-zero ramp-up time. Your existing PMs can be force-multipliers under our temporary leadership, or our fractional PMs can collaborate with our Interim Exec.

Empower your team and take control of your projects today.

Don’t let challenges hold you back. Empower your team to transform your projects with strategic leadership and efficient execution. Partner with us for coaching, mentoring, training, and expert guidance in building a high-performing team.